délire de voyage

The Délire de Voyage collection is dedicated to sensory and artistic experiences deriving from emotions. "Delirium" is traveling, the true meaning of the word is "away from the rut" (Latin: de lira), which takes us away from normality, through real life experiences.

This series of limited editions will not only provide an exclusive product but will provide, for the first time ever, a unique synaesthetic experience. Curious traveller, Filippo shares his experiences like an overwhelming and reverberating echo.


    It seems to have etched the end. Everything seemed to have happened quickly. There was chest thumping, everyone condemned, of running closed a chapter, Because Saturday was coming. Yet fear and awe are describing the unexpected, A precious bottle falls into a thousand pieces, It releases its aroma and speaks in silence. Yet we knew it. Death is not the last word. The stone rolled away, and with it Turns my life upside down every day, It anoints my now sandy skin So that I can soil that linen With my inaccuracies. The now useless ointment frames an empty place. Rich. This is the wonder, THIS DAY. HÆC DIES fragrance from Filippo Sorcinelli's delire de voyage collection was presented close to the Easter events.Filippo emphasizes these moments by interpreting in olfaction some passages from Mark's Gospel, particularly the moment of the women's astonishment and fear when they realize that the stone of the Sepulcher has rolled away. In an ideal image to describe this moment, the bottle the very expensive aloe- and myrrh-based aromatic oils that they had prepared to anoint Jesus' body is dropped to the ground the moment they saw not only the stone rolled away, but all the white linen cloths that wrapped the body. Hence the announcement of a young man dressed in blazing white.... The bottle along with the four "wings" that open as "ritual" are covered with sand, with dust, just to remind us of the steps, the road and the place. But the attention-blocking element is the cap that mimics the stylistic features of the tombstone that has rolled away, just as they used to be built. The artwork is covered in its entirety by a white linen veil, on which the name of the fragrance is reproduced: HÆEC DIES. The outside of the packaging is also covered with the same linen.
  • Notre-Dame 15.4.2019

    The délire de voyage collection is enriched with the second fragrance, dedicated and inspired by the terrible event of the fire of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, which took place on April 15, 2019. However, the invitation is not to stop at that date, but to unlock the true Essence to the world. Filippo Sorcinelli, known as the tailor of the popes, wanted to fix three main moments in the new extrait de parfum: the triggering event, the water on the stones and the essence that remains. The Notre-Dame Cathedral is undoubtedly one of the best known and most visited sacred buildings in the world. Filippo had the privilege of being able to access places off-limits to tourism and be able to grasp unexpected images, smells and values. But what is the essence of the Cathedral? We are immediately led to believe that it has only the strong smell of incense. Nothing more incomplete! The smell of Notre-Dame is not incense. Today is that moment of smoke that affects history. It is also water that overflows from the stones, which descends to the sides of the organ. Today, it is a glimpse of the vaults that let the light in from the naked sky. It is the scent of uninterrupted life, of the unimpaired Soul, it is the Cross made of spouting gold. It is the Truth that advances. Notre-Dame 15.4.2019, the true essence, will be a small support to the Maitrise, the group of singers and musicians who guard the priceless heritage of the Cathedral’s Sacred Music. The proceeds from the sales will in fact be donated to the Musique Sacrée association, to help keep its business and mission going, currently outside their “home”. As always, particular attention is given to the packaging: the bottle cap is a monolith of burnt wood, evoking the tragic moment of the fire, on which the name of the fragrance is nailed. At the opening, the characteristic four falling “wings” painted and signed directly by Filippo Sorcinelli with symbols, colors and stylistic features attributable to the Cathedral of Paris: four real small “paintings”, which lead back to a single true and exclusive work of art.

    “The true light came into the world, the one that illuminates every man… but they did not welcome him”. (Jn 1, 1-18) Light is present in all cultures. But we understand the light because there is darkness. The symbol of light pervades the Bible from the first to the last page. The divine energy gives life and light to all things: it is her who bathes, who recognizes and transfigures all colours. The manifestation of Light is what we call consciousness. It is the beginning of creation, it is associated to life: when you born you come to the light, you walk in the light, you flee from the darkness, we become children of light. A triumph and a source, a dress, a perfume… a guide forever.
  • Epicentro

    Filippo, who is first a curious visitor, he spreads his experiences as a great echo that overwhelms and spreads. Filippo comes from the region of Marche, which was hit by the earthquake of 2016 and then in 2017. For this reason the earthquake will be the first theme addressed in Délire de Vojage. EPICENTRO, extrait de parfum, is the first fragrance dedicated to this phenomenon and in particular this is dedicated to the small village of Bolognola, which is a small village of 138 inhabitants, this is the highest located village in the Marche region, which is located at the center of the Monti Sibillini National Park, who was seriously affected by the earthquake. The earth-quake is a particularly disruptive and violent event, which violently enters the lives of those involved, taking possession of their normality in a few seconds. External earthquakes increase the earthquakes we have inside: failing the safety of the earth under our feet, It’s like a deep internal tremor. Fear and suffocation from dust is the first step, the escape is the second step, leaving everything: objects, memories, essential goods, desperately seeking refuge outside. The view is blurred, eyes and throat are irritated by the dust caused by the collapses; you try to find in despair a small and faint light, which will become the only point of reference. Epicentro wants to be the reaction: become aware of what has happened, process it and react through the security of a thought related to Beauty. Epicentro is a real artistic installation full of emotions which induces to enter actively within the work, which is possible thanks to the stimuli contained in it that activate all five senses. The bottle is placed at the base simulating the vibrations perceived during the earthquake and has as a precious closing the faithful reproduction of a fragment of the rubble of the town hall of Bolognola, which was picked up by Filippo Sorcinelli during his first visit. Epicentro, therefore, does not want to be just a perfume but a project to help the whole population of Bolognola, so that he can go back to being Bononia, or the land of good things.